
CardDroid Math 2.6 is here and it’s HOT!

CardDroid Math 2.6 brings new rewards for perfect scores

It’s here now and it’s HOT!  Right now, it’s the #1 educational app and the #83 paid app in the Amazon Appstore and #49 in the NOOK Apps Shop.

Top 100 and #1 Educational AppBalloon Reward Screen

Make a perfect score and get a new reward!  Some color schemes have poppable balloons as a reward and others have tappable fireworks. (There’s even a secret, hidden “micro game” in the balloon screen. Shhh!) You get spinning stars too.

Update: The most recent versions include micro games on each of the perfect score screens and also unlock a new display style called “doodle” after you spend enough time doing math practice.

Still 99 cents and the upgrade is free to current customers:

Button to get the app on Google PlayButton to get the app on the Amazon Appstore

Balloon Reward ScreenFirewards reward screen


Veggie Clock Decorates for Christmas

Veggie clock’s dressing up for Christmas. In version 1.1, you can press a button and Veggie Clock will transform from realistic vegetables on a cutting board to veggies and ornaments (and some Christmas veggies) in front of a beautiful lit tree at night.

(Halloween Update: we’ve also added a spooky but not scary Halloween mode in later versions)

All Veggie Clock’s normal benefits are still there too!

Version 1.1 with Christmas mode is available now on Google Play, and Amazon Appstore. (If you already have version 1.0, version 1.1 is free!)

Get Veggie Clock Now

Meet Veggie Clock (Our Latest)

Get to know our latest app – Veggie Clock. It’s new, different, and cool. Cute, Fun & Healthy Veggie Clock Icon
Get Veggie Clock today on Google Play or Amazon Appstore:
Button to get the app on Google Play Button to get the app in the Amazon Appstore
Visit the Veggie Clock website for more information about Veggie Clock.    


WhitneyApps Wallpaper Apps on NOOK HD and HD+

New NOOK HD Live Wallpaper App Versions
Hi, NOOK users!
We have revised our live wallpaper apps for NOOK HD and NOOK HD+ (which is quite nice, by the way). Barnes & Noble changed out the way to change wallpapers by surprise so if you load an older version of the app, the “Change Your Wallpaper” button will crash the app. As of version 2.1 of Space Journey and version 2.0 of Santa Cruz Flowers, the buttons will work correctly, and you’ll enjoy the new HD goodness.

Old verison workaround: The older apps will still work as live wallpaper if you long press an empty area of the home screen, choose wallpapers, choose live wallpaper, and choose the wallpaper of your choice. But the new versions are available so you might as well upgrade and enjoy!

Timeframe: Space Journey 2.1 is now in the Nook Apps Shop.  Santa Cruz Flowers became available on November 15 (yay!).

Steve @ WhitneyApps

Space Journey Moving Wallpaper:
NOOK App : Space Journey Moving Wallpaper
Santa Cruz Flowers Moving Wallpaper NOOK App : Santa Cruz Flowers Moving Wallpaper

Prevent “Math Phobia”

An article in today’s Wall Street Journal , “A Worksheet for Math-Phobic Parents” warns of the danger of “Math Phobia” but also proposes solutions.  I recommend reading it if you have a school-age child.  Here’s one big surprise from the article:

Ongoing research is shedding new light on the importance of math to children’s success. Math skill at kindergarten entry is an even stronger predictor of later school achievement than reading skills or the ability to pay attention, according to a 2007 study in the journal Developmental Psychology.


CardDroid Math app iconOne way to build math confidence early is to get your child a copy of CardDroid Math.  My 4-year-old daughter is using it for addition problems from 1-5 (all answers can be counted on fingers if necessary, but she isn’t doing that anymore). Precshoolers and kindergarteners need a bit of help, but they can do it!  My daughter just got 100% on a 30-problem quiz.  “I want the rainbow!”

Here’s what my kids are doing on CardDroid Math to build confidence this school year:

  • Pre-K daughter: 1-5 plus 1-5
  • Second-grade son: 2-9 plus 2-9 (about to add subtraction) – he’s solid on 0, 1 and 10 so we’re focusing on 2-9
  • Fourth-grade son: 2-12 times 2-12 (soon to add division once his speed is solid) – again 0 and 1 are easy so we don’t do those.

One son likes the timer, one doesn’t like the pressure.  Fortunately, it’s configurable!

You can get CardDroid Math today.  My kids check off their 15 minutes a few days a week before they get free time.

CardDroid Math is available now in the Google Play Store, Amazon Appstore, and Barnes & Noble Nook Shop for 99 cents:
Google Play Apps:
Amazon Appstore:
Barnes & Noble NOOK Shop:

If you get it now, you also get the fall 2012 upgrade for free when its released.

Best wishes for wiping out any math-phobia in your home!

What are your tips for building confidence in kids?  Let us know in the comments section below!

Take care,

Steve @ WhitneyApps


CardDroid Math becomes “Math Fact Flash Cards” on BlackBerry Playbook

CardDroid Math is now available for the BlackBerry Playbook. They didn’t want any “droids” in the name so on that platform it’s called “Math Fact Flash Cards.” Check it out at BlackBerry App World at Same great app, different name.  Have fun!


Android tablets are great for fighting email overload

I recently bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 to do app development, and I found a delightful surprise that I want to share with you.

If you get a lot of email like I do, you may find it piling up on you.  Well, it turns out that the best tool out there for combatting inbox expansion is the Android Honeycomb Gmail app. It’s really easy to read and archive whole batches of messages.  Tap the messages you want to archive and tap the file cabinet icon.  or label a batch of messages.  Or delete then.  And I actually enjoy it – there’s something about tapping and swiping on the screen that just feels better than using a mouse.

My goal is David Allen’s Getting Things Done target of “Inbox 0,” and I’m not there yet, but the Tab is really helping me conquer Mt. Inbox.


Steve @ WhitneyApps

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Just Released Faith’s Checkbook Mobile Devotion app for Android!

Faith's Checkbook Mobile Devotion iconWhitneyApps is proud to present, Faith’s Checkbook Mobile Devotion (or in the 30 characters allowed by the Android Market, “Faith’s Checkbook Mobile Devo” :-))

Screenshot from Faith's Checkbook Mobile Devotion screenshotNow available free in the Android Market (for the glory of God!)

Christians will find encouragement and inspiration in 366 daily devotional messages  written by Charles Spurgeon, known as “The Prince of Preachers” over 100 years ago.

Read today’s devotion, check out devotions from other days, or share the devotion to bless someone else!

Read more at the Faith’s Checkbook Mobile Devotion page.