Faith’s Checkbook App

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12 replies on “Faith’s Checkbook App”

Hi, Jack!

Good timing on the Faith’s Checkbook question! I submitted the free version to the NOOK Shop last week. It was approved and should be live in the shop some time next week. I hope you enjoy it. I think Charles Spurgeon is great!

If you’re on Facebook, you can like my Christian app label, Looking Upward Apps, on Facebook and find out each time something is released (or in this case approved). We’re at

When the Faith’s Checkbook app is live, it will be available through this link (or you can search on the NOOK itself):

Thanks for asking!



Thanks Christina! I’m glad it’s blessing you! (Somehow I missed you comment until now – thanks for your feedback and encouragement!)



Just purchased “Faith’s Checkbook” ($0.99) from the B&N App Store. Have read several day’s worth and intend to use this every morning as part of my personal time with the Lord. I have some suggestions. As an App it should show in the Apps section of the Nook Color, not the books section. When the App is initiated would be highly cool if it checked the NC system date and opened to that day’s page. Manual selection from the index would be better if first choice was month which opened to a day of month choice. Thanks for getting this useful devotional guide to the Nook Color. Jack

LOL! I purchased the book! I have the free App now and love it! All issues I have expressed in the previous post are addressed in this App. I will buy an enhanced version in January.

Thanks, Jack! Sorry for the confusion!! Glad you’re enjoying the app. I really love Spurgeon’s devotions, which is why I wrote the app. I’m committed to providing a free version as I believe that’s what God wanted me to do so that version will continue to be available after the enhanced version arrives.

You’ll receive a “customer message” on the free app when the enhanced version becomes available.



Yes, that would be very cool! Some Android devices have “text to speech” built in, but I’m not sure how good it would be at reading the King James Bible! Did you know that Bible Gateway has audio Bibles? I don’t think they have Spurgeon, but sometimes it’s nice to close your eyes or go for a walk and hear the Bible read to you.


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