
How to keep kids sharp and even gain ground over summer vacation

My kids will be out of school at the end of the week so our family is making up a list of fun things to do. My wife and I are also making a daily checklist for the kids with some chores that can help our family and some tasks to help keep them sharp over the summer.
Both boys have “time with CardDroid Math Flashcards” on their lists a couple of times a week. They also have journaling assignments and our son who has handwriting challenges will copy a paragraph once a week. The whole thing should amount to less than 30 minutes a day and they’ll be way ahead in the fall.
Anyone else have plans to help their kids avoid the “summer skill loss”? What are your ideas?

CardDroid Math Flash Cards Summer Sale

CardDroid Math Flash Cards is on sale for summer! Get it for just 99 cents and help kids catch up or get ready for the next grade level.  Get it now in the Android Market and the NOOK Store.

Android Market:
Barnes and Noble Nook Color Shop: