
Meet Veggie Clock (Our Latest)

Get to know our latest app – Veggie Clock. It’s new, different, and cool. Cute, Fun & Healthy Veggie Clock Icon
Get Veggie Clock today on Google Play or Amazon Appstore:
Button to get the app on Google Play Button to get the app in the Amazon Appstore
Visit the Veggie Clock website for more information about Veggie Clock.    

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CardDroid Math – Small Timer Fix (version 1.2)

Our crack team of testers found a small problem in version 1.1 so we’ve released a fix. Version 1.2 eliminates a problem with switching the timer on and then off again while continually playing games.
Thanks for the feedback! Keep it coming:

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CardDroid Math Version 1.1 Released!

The first revision of CardDroid Math came out today!

This version adds an optional timer in case that motivates you.  I had a contest with my son, and it added some excitement to his math practice.  You can turn it on in the settings under “Show Timer.”

The other features are really minor, but you can find a complete list at

Have fun and please let us know what you’d like to see at!