- NOOK HD+ (9″)
As an app maker, I need to have a variety of hardware for testing. This is especially true of Android where each phone and tablet is a little different. That’s how I came to have a Google Nexus 7, an Amazon Kindle Fire HD, and a NOOK HD+. I mixed it up and got the 7″ Kindle Fire HD and the 9″ NOOK HD+ so it’s not 100% apples to apples – and no Apples. 🙂
The Contenders
- Google Nexus 7 - 7″ 1280×800 HD display, $199 for a 16GB model.
- Amazon Kindle Fire HD – 7″ 1280×800 HD display, $199 for a 16GB ad-supported model ($15 more to remove lock screen ads) – no power supply included.
- Barnes & Noble NOOK HD+ – 9″ 1920×1280 HD display, $269 for a 16GB model (the NOOK HD is a more comparable model at $199 for an 8GB model or with a higher density 1440 x 900 7″ display)
NOTE: The NOOK HD and HD+ allow you to add up to 64GB via a microSD slot.
The comparison begins after the break.