Math Fact Flash Cards by WhitneyApps helps children (or adults) learn math facts in a fun, interactive environment.
Imagine your child learning in the car, in the grocery store line, or at their brother or sister’s baseball game. With Math Fact Flash Cards on your BlackBerry Playbook, you can make that happen!
Math Fact Flash Cards offers many helpful features to support learning:
- Colorful flashcards for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication or Division
- NO ADS! Â (Isn’t it worth $.99 cents to keep the ads away from your child?)
- Built-in problem sets for levels from Kindergarten to fourth grade (also works for preschool with adult help or older kids who would benefit from review or speed work)
- Four sound sets: Five encouraging kids’ voices, tones, new electric guitar, and “castle” (harp and synth brass) to keep things interesting
- Seven color schemes (bright, camouflage, pink dream, nebula, sunrise, blue & green, gray buttons)
- Always shows the correct answer to reinforce learning (never displays incorrect answers on the card)
- Big buttons for small fingers
- Lets kids choose answers until they get the right one
- Colorful! Earn colored stars for right answers along the way.
- Optionally disables screen blanking so kids have time to think.
- Optional score keeping for motivation
- Optional time limits and time display – only use it if it’s helpful – sometimes a contest or beating your previous time is a good motivator. It’s also great for preparing for timed tests at school!
- Tested with multiple children and parents
- Also available as CardDroid Math Flash Cards for your Android phone or tablet, your NOOK Color/NOOK Tablet by Barnes & Noble or your the Kindle Fire
- Find us on Facebook for the latest.
Purchasing the app entitles you to all upgrades made available on the Playbook.
Here are some screenshots: